Juice still has its corner

The produce section was largely left as is (apart from the installation of some rather ugly new lighting), including the dedicated juice section in the back right corner. Comparing this to before the remodel, it's certainly a much more boring scene, but I do feel like Modern suits stores like this better than Lifestyle v2 did, being much more flexible compared to Lifestyle v2's design that only worked well with newer, larger stores.


  1. Anonymous in HoustonMarch 7, 2024 at 9:01 PM

    While this doesn't look bad in any way, I must say that I prefer the Lifestyle v2 look here. Ok, I'm sure the store was dark with those original Lifestyle lights, but otherwise I really like the Lifestyle v2 look. That said, the brighter colors here might well make a smaller store feel less dungeon-like so that does help. I've noticed that with the brighter colors of Remix versus Bountiful at older Greenhouse stores and such even though I much prefer Bountiful over Remix generally.

    1. I generally prefer Lifestyle v2 (after all, it is one of my all-time favorite decor packages), but I've never liked the way it looked in older/smaller/low-ceiling stores. Modern, meanwhile, always looks surprisingly good in stores like this, at least in my opinion!


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