Juices +

As is typical for classic Safeways, the produce department takes up the full length of the right side of the store. It's odd to see a dedicated juice department in a store this size! I suppose that case is effectively part of the back aisle, which is home to the dairy section, but it still looks odd. This store, like most of these older stores, never got the diagonal layout for its produce section, and as a result, the produce X-lights were +-lights instead; it's nice that they were still in place in 2019, after most stores had dropped Lifestyle's special light fixtures.


  1. Anonymous in HoustonFebruary 23, 2024 at 8:43 PM

    Ha, whenever I see these X-lights, I instantly think of darkness! Of course, those lights are usually in dark photos and that seems to be the case here to a certain degree in the produce section relative to the rest of the store.


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