Cut-off deli


I talk a lot about how Modern looks quite nice in old stores, especially when compared to pretty much any other mainstream decor package from the last decade or two. Unfortunately, the deli sign at this store very much goes against that. This part of the store has a strangely low ceiling compared to the rest of the building, and Safeway appears to have failed to take that into account here (which isn't entirely surprising since, despite Modern coming with multiple font sizes, they seem to be opposed to mixing and matching them within the same store, something that I've typically seen show up as unnecessarily small signs). In addition to the text being too big, it also isn't vertically centered within the woodgrain background, making it almost look like a larger sign that was awkwardly cut down to fit. (Which I know it isn't, because I've seen several in-progress remodels and Modern wall signs aren't pre-fabricated, but it kind of looks like it!)
