A packed aisle 12

It's pretty rare for Safeway to use all seven category slots in Modern's aisle markers (after all, they were actually designed to have the standard six category plaques, with the last slot used for the local flair aisle name, but the Seattle Division hardly ever does that), but most of the aisles in this store manage to fill them all. I guess that's not too surprising, since smaller stores like this tend to have more categories crammed into each aisle -- though at 12.5 aisles, this store is actually above average in terms of aisle count compared to other Safeways around here. (That's fairly common for vintage Safeways, which tend to be a similar width to modern stores but much less deep.) Quite a few of the aisle markers along the back actionway are hanging at random angles, which isn't a common sight for Modern (or any package so soon after it was installed), so I wonder what the deal is with that.
