Wall to wall

From this angle, you can see the full extent of the wall-to-wall sign overkill I mentioned yesterday. And yet, somehow, there's no sign directly over the service counter. I don't understand this store at all.


  1. Anonymous in HoustonOctober 4, 2023 at 8:48 PM

    Huh, I've seen the clearance bread racks show up in some interesting places in Kroger stores, but I can't say I've ever seen it in the meats department! Also, what is up with the racks on the clearance bread display? They're all crooked...or at least it looks that way from here. I guess Aisle 13 is just full of a lot of oddities, lol.

    This is a shameless plug, but I think you'll like the subject of today's The Year of Kroger post, an upscale Kroger with a 2nd floor 'Have a Seat' (technically called 'The Patio') mezzanine. In this case, the store was expanded twice in the store's first 10 years of existence so there are some oddities here, but more polished oddities than what this QFC has, lol. The photo from when The Patio doubled as a excess fixtures storage area might prove interesting though! Link: https://houstonhistoricretail.com/2023/10/04/kroger-goes-upscale-with-the-ktrkroger-in-west-u/

    1. And it's right next to the ice machine, too! Yeah, everything at this store is weird. Safeway doesn't have clearance bakery departments here (I know they do in other areas), but the general clearance shelf in my store is in the meat department too! I'm not sure what's going on with that rack -- at first I just thought it was the picture being taken at a wonky angle, but looking at it again, it does look like the middle three shelves are crooked compared to the top and bottom ones. Considering how the rest of this store looks, I suppose I shouldn't be surprised that the clearance section is a bit of a mess!

      That is a pretty cool store! Did it really once have two coffee kiosks at the same time? The only time I've seen anything like that was at the Ballard Fred Meyer, which once had both Starbucks and Tully's, though the Starbucks was exterior-access-only.

    2. Anonymous in HoustonOctober 5, 2023 at 8:45 PM

      Huh, interesting, the Cully Albertsons in Portland did have a clearance bakery rack. I noticed it because it was right near where my local Blue & Grey Market Krogertsons puts their bakery clearance rack! I'm not sure why Seattle does not have them, we certainly have them at Randall's.

      Yep! Seattle's Best was upstairs on The Patio while Starbucks was downstairs. It was a very strange situation! There are a lot of offices in that area so maybe they thought both places could do sufficient business. They probably figured The Patio would be a real hangout.


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