So fresh


 It seems that QFC realized that the lack of a produce department sign was an issue, and these "Fresh Produce" signs started appearing to complicate the welcome sign after the first few Urban Mix remodels. I'm not sure why this store ended up getting one, though, since it already has a proper department sign! I'm not a huge fan of the letter styling on this sign either.


  1. Anonymous in HoustonOctober 11, 2023 at 9:42 PM

    I'm not sure where this trend came from, but it has become quite trendy for grocers to use cursive text for the first word and regular text for the subsequent word in two-word sayings. I think I've seen Safeway use it somewhere (Pavilions?) and HEB uses it a lot in their current decor. I don't think I've seen Kroger use it until now, though maybe I'm forgetting about something. I find this trend quite annoying, but I must admit that I might be biased against it simply because HEB is the biggest user of this trend and just about everything HEB, aside from their bakery decor, is visual blight, lol.

    1. This sort of mixed-font thing really is becoming quite common these days. Another place Kroger does something similar (though not exactly the same) is on the small hanging signs in their bakeries.

  2. I think you meant "complement" instead of "complicate," lol, but complicate seems to get your point across better, haha!

    Also -- some Urban Mix signs do the same thing with the cursive first word, although I'm interested to see whether any of the signs in this store follow that same pattern or not.

    1. Haha, yep! I've become really bad about writing words that are similar to the ones I mean, but aren't; normally I catch it, but sometimes I don't. And I don't even have any excuses, since I'm writing this on a computer without autocorrect or anything!

      Yeah, there are a few others like this in QFC's version of Urban Mix. It's used for the various extra signs that were added in the (relatively) early days of this package.


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