Rise to the Occasio(n)

One of the interesting features of this decor package is the intentional lack of traditional department name signs. That's something I generally don't mind, but in the bakery they decided to go with a pun instead, and you all know how much I dislike puns. Setting that aside, this sign also looks extremely silly due to the last letter being around the corner from the rest of the sign -- this is even sillier than the similar split Safeway sign since it's just one letter that's not on there with the rest of the sign, and there's plenty of room for the entire sign to have been shifted one bay of the paneling to the left to avoid it. It's interesting to see that this store apparently offers custom-decorated cupcakes along with the typical cakes -- that isn't something I've ever seen advertised around here, though maybe stores are offering it anyway and I just haven't paid attention.


  1. Yeah, they probably didn't knead to put a pun on the wall like that.

    Sorry - I couldn't help myself with that one.


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