Natural frozen... everything

I've been avoiding talking about the aisle markers, but this time it's not a case of saving the best for last -- in fact, these are probably the single ugliest part of this decor, at least in my opinion. Faux reclaimed wood paneling is never a look that I'm going to enjoy, and in its use here it just looks too visually heavy and prominent, taking away from everything else on the aisle marker rather than blending into the background like the background pattern on every other aisle marker to use this Bountiful+ design. I'm also not a fan of sticking the natural foods logo on every. single. category. And there's something ironic about the country's largest grocery chain telling us to "shop local"...

Ugh. I was really trying to avoid this tour becoming overly negative, but it's really hard to get away from it. Like I said in the beginning, Reclaimed isn't entirely bad in the way some other packages are, it's just not even remotely my style... and I'm not someone who's good at separating that from my overall feelings about something.
