Just Pure wrong

As Anonymous in Houston noticed yesterday, the decor installers made a strange mistake in this store -- in both department signs starting with the letter P, they shifted the lowercase letter up to make it look like an uppercase letter, despite all of the other signs in the store (correctly) being all lowercase. To someone who has spent as much time in Lifestyle v1 stores as I have, this just feels bizarre and wrong in a way that's hard to explain.


  1. Anonymous in HoustonOctober 30, 2023 at 8:23 PM

    Ha, I knew something was up! While this installation might be wrong from a consistency perspective, I actually like seeing the 'P' capitalized! I think it looks more correct that way. Perhaps the installers thought this was the logical way it was meant to be installed, but then that doesn't explain the other departments which are completely lowercase...except for the Pharmacy I suppose.

    1. I'm guessing the only reason they did this with these two departments is because uppercase and lowercase ps are almost the same letter form, though in whatever font this is, the lowercase p does look quite strange as a capital!


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