Blooms redux

With the manager no longer standing by the entrance, I was able to get a clearer picture of the floral kiosk, with the Main & Vine thank you sign in the background. I feel like the Blooms box looks a bit out of place with the rest of Urban Mix (it would probably be more at home in Artisan), but it is nice to see QFC including floral decor of any sort, since most stores with older decor packages have nothing.


  1. Anonymous in HoustonOctober 10, 2023 at 9:53 PM

    Huh, this is quite strange, the Urban Mix Pearland Kroger which I featured in TYOK in September has a floral department which doesn't look anything like this! In fact, they referred to the floral department as the, well, floral department. Here, not so much. Now, granted, this is a floating floral department as compared to Pearland which has walled area, but still. The Pearland one looks much better than, as you say, this rather Artisan-inspired blooming onion! Link to Pearland floral photo:

    1. I probably should have mentioned this, but yes, there are two completely different designs of decor for Urban Mix floral departments. This one seems to be used exclusively for smaller, floating floral departments like what this store has, while the other design gets used for all types. Urban Mix is a highly variable decor package, for better or worse (mostly worse).


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