Yep, it's a real service department

I think I took this picture just because I was impressed to see an actual service bakery here! I sure hope the prep area is cleaner than the woodgrain panel on the left side of the sign... (Seriously, how is a store that only opened a few days previously already this messy?)


  1. Anonymous in HoustonAugust 22, 2023 at 9:07 PM

    Huh, well, I'm guessing that isn't a stain that got there since the store opened. It is probably a mess that a contractor made and it was never caught before the store opened! I guess Safeway's store opening team wasn't very diligent with the punch list, but maybe the Seattle Division doesn't have much experience with store openings in recent years, lol.

    1. Yeah, probably! They sure haven't had many brand new stores to deal with, but you'd think the same sort of thing would apply to remodels, and they've definitely had a lot of those over the past few years! Though not so much in the past year or so, since basically all Seattle-area stores have Modern by now.


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