Tech Center

This store's refresh went well beyond clothing, with the tech department also losing its neon -- at least the walls are still red here, though. (I've visited some Targets where the tech area was the only one not to get greyed out... yuck.) I believe most of the displays here are of a style that was just starting to appear at the time of my visit. It's always fun to look back at the tech that was on display in these old photos!


  1. Anonymous in HoustonAugust 29, 2023 at 8:51 PM

    I don't go to Target very often these days, as I've mentioned before, but I had reason to visit the 290 & Hollister Target in Houston for the first time in over a decade a couple months back. This store was renovated maybe a year or so ago. The store was depressingly grey, including the electronics department, as you can see here:

    That said, unlike the Target or two I've been to closer to me in the last year or so, at least the 290 & Hollister Target was reasonably well-staffed and organized. The product mix and pricing was quite mediocre, like it is at other Targets in recent times, and so I remember leaving after just a few minutes. Oh well, at least they kept a real floor and drop ceiling, but I'm guessing the black/grey carpet and white tile combo isn't quite working for you, lol.

    I guess this is more related to the other photo, but I don't know what's up with the frowning neon in your photo. Well, I can understand it looking at this store...and even more so with the Target that I linked to!

    1. Wow, I didn't realize Target was painting even the electronics departments grey these days! That seemed to be the last stand for red walls. Thankfully, their newer remodels seem to be bringing back red in more parts of the store.

      I definitely haven't been all that happy with Target lately. There was a period where they had better prices than Safeway or Fred Meyer on pretty much everything, but that's no longer the case -- there are some things that I buy at Target regularly because they still are a better price there, but not all that many. Still, I'd rather shop at Target than Walmart!

      Ha! Yeah, things made more sense when this store had P04 as a complete decor package, rather than just having a few random bits still hanging on.


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