Produce aisle

The produce department occupies an extra-wide aisle in the middle of the store, and completely lacks any department signage as a result (though this store tends to be light on literal department signage in general). While I generally like the look of this store (despite what everyone else on here says! 😉), this is not a particularly good look; of course, the designers probably designed around the opposite angle, looking from the entrance doors to the back wall where the cool decor we just saw is.


  1. Seeing produce right in the middle of the store like this is strange to me, as it seems rare for produce to ever stray from one of the perimeter walls.

    1. Having it as an aisle like this is a little odd, but it doesn't seem all that weird to me since so many Fred Meyers and QFCs have floating produce departments as part of their grand aisle setup (and some newer Safeways have a similar layout). I don't think layouts like that are particularly common in most parts of the country, though!


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