
I visited this store quite a bit growing up (along with the Thrifty across the street), and at the time it was by far the fanciest Safeway I had ever visited -- and it's still definitely at the top of that list! Maybe it's just the bright green signage, but I get a bit of a Publix vibe from this store. The covered walkway on the right, which proved to be highly irritating when it comes to getting good exterior shots, leads from the store's main entrance to the accompanying shopping center, which is quite fancy itself. I'm also a big fan of the built-in sign tower to the left of the main entrance, even if it looked nicer with the Safeway logo!


  1. I guess it is just the green signage because this store looks like something straight out of the Pacific Northwest to me! I suppose it could fit in somewhere mountainous like North Carolina, but I would be surprised to see a store like this in Florida!


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