Plywood deli

The deli is another good place to spot Safeway leftovers, including the "pay here" sign that still features the green-and-red color scheme that Lifestyle v1 used for the Signature Cafe section. Since we've been making comparisons to Florida grocery stores, the "low low" promotional signage keeps making me think of Winn-Dixie, especially with the red check!


  1. Anonymous in HoustonJune 24, 2023 at 10:00 PM

    Ha, Western Canada is a strange place to see influences from Florida, but then I suppose those Floridian influences are really from Australia! Try to make sense of that!

    Do they sell Tropicana orange juice in cardboard boxes in Canada? Or at least this part of Canada? Tropicana used to be sold at supermarkets here in those boxes, but now it's only sold in the clear plastic bottles as far as I can tell. Florida's Natural and some others still come in the cardboard boxes. Of course, as we know, some parts of Canada, mostly Ontario, are known for selling milk in pouches instead of jugs so who knows what the standards are there for beverage packaging! Personally, I didn't mind the cardboard boxes as long as they have a twist-cap spout and aren't the older kind which have to folded out at the top seam to create the spout. I suppose clear bottles make it easier to see how much is left, but it's not hard to tell that from the weight of the box.

    1. Ha! One of these days, I'd love to visit Australia and see the original version of Down Down (which I only just learned used that same tagline!) -- it certainly looks a lot nicer at Coles than it did at Winn-Dixie.

      Honestly, I have no idea what packaging Canada uses for orange juice -- I don't even know what packaging it comes in here!

  2. Funny that you mention Winn-Dixie because I saw a sign in one of your earlier posts about this store and thought it reminded me of SEG's old Plenti card advertisements! As for the "low low" verbiage, that is reminiscent of Winn-Dixie's "Prices down and staying down" (stylized as "Down Down"); however, the Harveys equivalent actually "Low and staying Low" (stylized as "Low Low")! You can zoom into the right side of this picture and see one of those old signs.

    1. I knew I had seen "Low Low" somewhere with SEG!


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