World's finest (entertaining)

In addition to the different woodgrain color I discussed yesterday, the other main thing distinguishing Lifestyle v2.1 is that the burgundy shade originally used solely in the deli (and in the Lifestyle v1 days, only in the prepared foods half of the deli!) has spread to the rest of the service department side of the store, encompassing the bakery and liquor department. A few stores (seemingly a very small number -- this is the only one I've visited like this so far) went a step further, and installed an extra-fancy sign for the liquor department, with a brick arch surrounding a faux window. It's quite a nice design, and while the fake window looks a bit odd, maybe even tacky, right next to a bunch of real windows, this upgraded sign and overall general presentation over here makes the liquor department look quite upscale, something where Safeway has typically been far behind competitors such as QFC.
