Butcher Block, or not


I always find it odd when Safeway installs a Butcher Block sign in a store without a service meat counter, since that's what the name normally refers to -- or at least that's what Albertsons used it for! Even weirder, though, is that this store used to have a semi-service meat department with an opening into the back room (though still no butcher block -- I believe this was somewhat common for Safeway before the Lifestyle era), but that was closed off in the remodel, and I'm guessing the taller cases on the right of this picture mark where it used to be. Despite all that, the very old Proto-Lifestyle tile is still all in place -- I'm used to seeing Modern decor with Lifestyle tiles, but it's weird seeing it with even older, much less neutral, and at least in my opinion, significantly more outdated-looking stuff! 
