Garden vestibule

That whole glassed-in area forms this store's entrance vestibule, which does double duty as an extension of the floral department, generally used for live plants (which I'm sure appreciate all the natural light!). The "this door will close at 9:00PM" sign is interesting -- I guess you have to enter the "wrong" way (through the exit) at night. (Which you might want to do anyway, since that's where this store keeps most of its carts!)


  1. I guess if you're not used to split vestibule stores that's not common to you -- I'm very used to Krogers with the "doors close at..." messages. Typically though, you can still go in thru the main vestibule, but then once inside it you have to go thru the door by the registers, not the door leading into the salesfloor. Walmart is similar too, after a certain hour only the grocery doors are open.

    1. Yes, this is what many Krogers here do that have dual doors from the main vestibule. It's mildly is them closing off the second entrance at a certain time.

    2. I'm used to two-door Safeways having one of them closed at night (and some stores have gotten lazy and don't open the second door at all anymore), but I don't believe we have any stores around here with the "split vestibule" layout you're talking about... I haven't come across any, at least. This store, and the other one I've visited with separate entrance and exit doors, have them completely separated on the exterior.


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