Beef... from the sea

What doesn't make so much sense, though, is the decor in the service department -- while the main signs continue to differentiate between meat and seafood, something went a bit odd in the background, where there are several meat-related things hanging out in what is supposed to be the seafood side. I supposed the dry-aged beef thing had to be here since this is where the prep room is, but it still looks strange, and the window decals could easily have been made all-seafood if someone had paid attention.


  1. Ha, if you think this Kroger service department signage is bizarre, just wait until you see February's The Year of Kroger post on HHR! I think it'll be hard to top that one, lol. The funny thing is that the bizarre signage wasn't even the point of chronicling the store in question. Mike and I didn't even know it had signage oddities. Well, you'll see what I'm talking about, lol.

    1. I'll be looking forward to it! Seems like Kroger is the king of signage oddities, though I have seen some pretty weird things at Safeway, too!


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