Dark pharmacy

The pharmacy and produce department (that's a weird combination!) share this very low-ceilinged part of the store, which really looks like an addition but seems to be original from (admittedly low-resolution) old aerial images -- perhaps this was a stockroom originally. The pharmacy here is quite strange looking, even ignoring the fact that it's right next to the apples -- the counters look strangely old, despite the circa-2010 consultation room off to the right, and I'm not sure what Safeway was thinking painting it dark grey like this in a space that already feels a bit dark and cave-like. Of course, the strangest part is that this store, at 23,000 square feet and approaching 60 years old, has a pharmacy at all!


  1. Ha, I wonder how many sick people coughed on those apples while waiting to pick up their prescriptions! Oh well, I suppose produce should be washed thoroughly before eating anyway...perhaps especially so from this Safeway!

    I tried to post this last night, but Blogger wasn't having anything to do with that. We'll see if it works today.


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