Lopsided aisle 1

The first aisle on the left is the store's one and only frozen foods aisle, with the department also taking up a small section of the back wall. As tends to be the case, the frozen aisle is one of the only spots in this store with category markers -- it's too bad that QFC didn't use them throughout the store, since Fresh Fare had some of the best category markers I've ever seen. I wonder what happened to the right side of that aisle marker...


  1. Kroger's grand tradition of stacking Halloween candy above the frozen food cases seems to continue here at this QFC! Granted, I suppose this store has a bit more of an excuse than most to try to find whatever space for items as possible! I'd imagine those coolers get quite warm on the outside though so perhaps they aren't the best for storing chocolate!

    1. Ha, yeah, it's hard to blame this store for finding "creative" ways of storing things! Of course, I've been in Fred Meyers that are more than 10 times this store's size that also have extra merchandise piled up on top of cases and shelves...


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