Lifestyle v3, but weird

The decor is what really sets this store apart, and why I'm so glad I was able to put a date to this store's remodel. This place has what's clearly a version of Lifestyle v3, but with quite a few added elements, most obviously (at least from this picture) wood paneling behind the main department signs. This decor appears to have originated with two stores in the Portland area, and for several years it appeared to be completely dead as Safeway's Portland division went back to standard Lifestyle v3, but recently Retail Forever on Discord posted this picture, showing a store on the east coast getting remodeled to this package. Apparently, after being dormant for a few years, Woodgrain Lifestyle v3 was resurrected by Safeway's small Eastern Division, for some reason. I always find it interesting when decor packages come back from the dead like that -- a few other examples I can think of off the top of my head are Safeway's Modern decor which was originally designed for the short-lived Florida Safeways and then reappeared as a very common decor package for Safeway, Albertsons' Awnings package that apparently was used both before and after Grocery Palace, Kroger's Fresh Fare v3 that showed up several years ago in a small number of Ralph's stores before just recently reappearing in Tennessee, and Kroger's Urban Mix which is built on leftovers from their short-lived Main & Vine project. If any of you know of other things like this, I'd love to hear about them!


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