Wine & Spirits (no beer, I guess)

Modern's liquor decor is supposed to have two signs -- "wine & spirits" and "cold beer" -- but most Safeways just get this one, leaving beer out. (Admittedly, I'm not sure where the beer section is at this store -- it might actually be located elsewhere). This view makes it look like the cherry woodgrain finish on the liquor cases and the more standard dark woodgrain bottom trim really clash, but that isn't something I've noticed all that much in person -- what's more noticeable is how the newer woodgrain finishes clash with Lifestyle's woodgrain flooring. (There is a style of woodgrain flooring meant to go with Modern, but Safeway's cheap remodels don't bother to use that.)


  1. Based on the cut-through photo, it looks like wine is on aisle 14 and beer on aisle 15. I reckon they are close enough that the signage could have mentioned beer. Anyway, it seems to me that NW Safeways emphasize wine a lot more than Randall's stores do even under Safeway/Albertsons ownership. If anything, it seems our stores emphasize beer more, but I don't think alcohol in general is given as much of a prominent space as it is here. Perhaps supermarkets here just face too much competition from liquor chains here such as Spec's and Total Wines.

    1. Yeah, I really should have looked ahead before writing that 😃 Interesting to hear that -- Safeway around here certainly does put quite a bit of emphasis on wine, and has at least since the start of the Lifestyle era. Even though Albertsons' liquor department was quite different, I don't think much has changed since the merger.


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