Wild Harvest Natural Foods

That angle is carried through into the dedicated natural foods department, which also has special woodgrain flooring. At least as of 2018, this store still retained a separate natural foods department (a real rarity in Safeways, or really any pretty much any major grocery chain, these days) -- and it even retained the Wild Harvest branding, which was a Supervalu-era store brand that went away, like all of their others, following the Safeway merger. This is also an older version of the Wild Harvest brand -- I believe I've seen the newer version of this signage somewhere, but it doesn't appear that I've posted it yet.


  1. I'm not too familiar with Wild Harvest, but this aisle does look quite nice even if it does look like it is stuck in about 2006 or so. That's not necessarily a bad thing though! It certainly does add some color to the otherwise drab colors of PF&Hv1. Certainly this is an advantage over my local Krogertsons if we are keeping a running tally score, lol.

    1. I'm not really familiar with Wild Harvest products either -- I highly doubt I ever bought anything of that brand while it was around, just like I hardly ever buy anything from O Organics or Open Nature (heck, I had to look up what that brand was even called!) these days.

      Yeah, there are some things about PF&H decor that still look reasonably modern today -- this is certainly not one of them!


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