Welcome to the Tsawwassen Thrifty Foods!


And welcome to one of the two places that I was the most excited for going into my Vancouver trip! (The other is right next to here, incidentally, but that will be for another time.) I believe this store was built in the early 00s, though I'm not sure -- I don't even know where to start with looking up building ages in Canada, like I'm often able to in the US.

My parents have a real interest in grocery stores, though not in the way I do -- I suppose that's where I originally got it from -- and they particularly like visiting grocery stores in other countries. Thrifty Foods was a family favorite growing up, largely due to their amazing bakery, and due to weird circumstances I won't get into here, this store became one we visited regularly. 

Oh, and a note on the location -- Tsawwassen is an exurb south of Vancouver, right on the US border (with Point Roberts, not the border that people traveling between, say, Seattle and Vancouver would go through). The town's name is typically pronounced close to "Sawwassen" or "S'wwassen"; I've heard "Tawwassen" in the past but I believe that's generally considered incorrect, but it's hard to say.
