Zero Excuses

My photos of this store (and the one other store with this decor package I visited) are very hit-and-miss -- this one turned out fairly decently, though there's still quite a bit of visible glare. I suspect I could edit some of that out, but since it was noticeable in person as well, I don't feel like doing that to preserve what this decor actually looked like! Anyway, my only real criticism of this store's design (apart from its bizarre layout, but we'll get to that later) is the dark-painted ceiling -- this is one of the first stores I've visited with a full dark ceiling, as opposed to the partial, unpainted ones I've seen in some newer US Safeways, and I have to agree with Retail Retell that it really makes the ceiling feel lower and the space darker and more cramped than it already is (and this store already has a somewhat lower ceiling and a somewhat cramped layout, so this really doesn't help).


  1. The decor in the center there looks a bit cheap and fake, but I suppose it's not too bad. I was in a Kroger Remix store this week so I suppose I can say that I've seen worse, lol. The artwork off to the left there, which is also in the other post with the chalk art, is neat. With the reflections, it almost looks like a backlit light box ala Kroger Bountiful, but it isn't backlit at all! Perhaps the photo is making it look worse than it really is.

    Zero excuses! Well, that's good if they can back it up. Safeway in the US is known for making excuses sometimes, lol.

    1. Yeah, while the production value isn't super high, I still thought these stores had quite a nice feel to them in person! (Apart from the annoying glare from the spotlights on the reflective printed wallpaper decor.)

      Ha! In my experience, Safeway's produce department in the US is all excuses! 😉

  2. Thanks for the shout-out! Yeah, fully painted dark ceilings really aren't my thing.


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