National Series Sponsor (whatever that means)

On one of the window panes, there were a few decals applied on the outside of the glass, meaning that they were left visible when the film was installed on the inside. One of these was pink and white, making it still quite visible; others were black, which was a bit more of a problem. Since it turns out GIMP is actually pretty good at doing what I want with this -- way better than the built-in photos program on Macs, which is what I've always used in the past since it's way more user-friendly than GIMIP -- here's an edited version showing the store hours sign. 


  1. I'm glad to hear that GIMP is working for you! Whatever you did in it, it did make the hours more visible. GIMP is what I use when I need to do some photo editing these days, but admittedly that is not very often! I did use Adobe Photoshop quite a bit around version 4 in the 1990s. Obviously, this was a long time ago, lol, and my knowledge of some of the tools is buried under a lot of dust in my brain! I think I used to store images on Zip Disks back around that time!

    1. Yeah, I don't use it much (or particularly like it), but GIMP is really the only serious photo editing tool I've ever used -- I don't have much interest in paying the exorbitant price for Photoshop, when I have no clue how to use that either! I remember zip disks -- I think we used those back in elementary school, when they were probably already outdated technology 🙂


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