Metro Tunnel & Light Rail (one out of two isn't bad)


Years after Metro turned the tunnel over to Sound Transit for exclusive use by light rail, it's amazing how many signs still refer to it as the "Metro tunnel"! Then again, I still like to call it "the bus tunnel", so who am I to speak. Anyway, this view from the Westlake Center basement level, half a story above the station's mezzanine level, kind of shows how the other set of four doors is out of your way, off to the right -- I had a better picture of that, but it must be one that my phone didn't actually save -- which turns out to be some sort of glitch the camera app has when the phone is running low on storage space, as I was able to see it happening in real time on my last vacation (thankfully I noticed while I was still able to replace the pictures that had gone missing!).


  1. Yikes, that's an unfortunate issue to have!

    1. It sure is... guess that's what I get for using a 2015-model phone! (It used to give you a warning, and my newer work phone still does, but a recent iOS update must have broken that for such old devices.)


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