Starbucks no more

Surprisingly, the former Starbucks kiosk isn't one of those leased-out spaces, but instead appears to be operated by Campeón Market itself! Its location is a bit strange for a Grocery Palace store -- typically, it would have been in front of the pharmacy box, more or less where the tenant spaces are in the last picture -- so at first I thought it had been moved, but the flooring suggests that it was always here for some reason.


  1. My local Grocery Palace Albertsons had its Starbucks kiosk in this same spot, so this was an alternative location Albertsons used for it (which was semi-common, at least here in FL). My Albertsons had another space that looked like it could have been home to a coffee shop/cafe in front of the check lanes, but that had always been vacant for as long as I shopped at that store (which was from a year after the store opened until it closed outright 11 years later).

    1. Interesting! I think all of the (ex-)Grocery Palace stores I've visited so far had it in the aisle in front of the pharmacy, so I didn't realize this was another standard spot.


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