Butcher island

Instead of using Albertsons' butcher block the way it originally was, Campeón appears to have converted it into a dedicated fish department, and installed a new service meat department just floating on the salesfloor on the other side of the actionway, divided off only by half walls. This must be the largest modification they made when moving in here, and it surprises me a bit, since I wouldn't have expected a Hispanic grocery store to have such a large fish department the way I would for Asian grocery stores. I suspect the cases here are the original Albertsons ones, just flipped to the other side of the actionway, since the ones in the fish department visible (sort of) in the previous picture definitely aren't a typical Albertsons thing. I wish I had gotten more pictures around here, but it was about the only busy part of the store (in terms of shoppers and employees).


  1. The Hispanic grocery stores in Florida usually have pretty large meat/seafood departments, so it's not super uncommon for stores like these to have such a large selection. I've even been to a Hispanic grocery store that had an entire meat room built into it! The meat/seafood counters seem to be one of the largest draws to most ethnic stores I visit (Hispanic or otherwise), and are usually the busiest part of the store no matter when I visit.


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