Unlucky aisle 13

Navigating around the deli, which forms the end of the dividing wall between the two halves of the store, basically a whole standard grocery store unfolds. In addition to the awkward layout, the overall design of this space also clearly shows how it was built separately from the (newer) main part of the store, with its open gabled ceiling replacing the various drop ceiling treatments on the other side and just a significantly different overall feeling.


  1. Whoa, this is a surprise! Given the nice drop ceiling in the rest of the store and the nice Paraline, I wasn't expecting the grocery part of this store to look like a big shed! It looks like the grocery section is a big garden center! This might be one of the strangest Kroger grocery departments around.

    1. Ha! This "big shed" design isn't that weird for older grocery stores around here at least, though there certainly aren't many left that look like this (and this store being built in the 70s does seem rather late for it to look like this).


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