Natural foods, unnaturally placed

Also in this corner of the store is the natural foods department, which is weird for so many different reasons. The most obvious is that this is completely disconnected from the rest of the grocery department (even more so than the floor plan makes it look, since the only connection between the grocery and general merchandise salesfloors is all the way at the front of the store). But beyond that, I thought Kroger was generally trying to remove dedicated natural foods departments from its stores and integrate them into the main grocery department, something they've done in every other recent Fred Meyer remodel I've seen... but here, they did the exact opposite (I highly doubt there was a particularly obvious dedicated natural foods section within the grocery department prior to the remodel). And yet, despite Banner stores with dedicated natural foods sections being extremely uncommon, it got completely unique decor, including the Live Naturally banner off to the left of this image, and eventually, a wall sign, done up in the style that Banner normally reserves for service departments, except with the Live Naturally logo instead of the normal Banner font. 


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