Lights are on, nobody's home

This food kiosk over by one set of parking elevators seems be one of the longest-vacant spaces, being already out of use in 2018 (the signs were still up, but it sure looks abandoned in that view). It appears that Pacific Place was trying to get food pop-up tenants, but there mustn't have been any takers.


  1. Back in the last few months of the Mall of the Mainland here in the Houston area before it closed in 2014 (the property has since been redeveloped again and has tenants, but it's not really a mall anymore except for maybe a little part of the mall corridor which is still used), a couple of the vacant food court spots were still lit up, had menus and fixtures up, and all of that. It was like those places were open, but there just wasn't anyone working there. Ironically, at the one deli that was still open, business was so slow that the employee/employees working there just sat in the back most of the time unless they knew a customer was waiting I suppose and so it also looked abandoned like the other spots even though it wasn't!

    It's starting to become not uncommon for abandoned food court vendors at various dying malls here to leave their storefronts more or less intact. It does create that zombie-like feel that dead malls are famous for!

    1. Yeah, I've noticed that sometimes too. Though the dead-est mall I've visited so far simply had the entire food court walled off! I've also visited at least one mall that had essentially fake tenants within the food court, which looked very strange.


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