Swimming towards the restrooms

The dairy alcove in the back of the store transitions directly into the meat and seafood service department. Meat and seafood seems to be the Neighborhood department with the most variability --  I've visited four stores with Neighborhood over the years, and every single one of them has different decor for this department! There's the original one, the deluxe one, the cheap version of the deluxe one (in which I discuss this issue another time), and then this one, which looks like a combination of the underline from the original version with the font from the other designs.


  1. I guess my local Neighborhood Krogertsons has the deluxe meat decor! Link: https://goo.gl/maps/9HdXZUNhG7xrUw12A

    This might be the only thing deluxe about it, lol.

    1. Ha! Looks like it has the deluxe dairy decor too. 🙂

      I believe that version of the meat decor (and dairy too) is the standard in most places. I suspect the main reason that QFC didn't generally use it is because of the super low ceilings most of their stores have.

  2. Thanks for the link here as well! There's yet another version not shown in your links: just flat gray letters that read MEAT & SEAFOOD in the serif font from elsewhere in the package. I don't have a link or photo handy, though.


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