Welcome to QFC Mercer!

As promised, this set will include some previously-unknown details about this relatively-unknown decor package. The first of those is that we now have a name for this decor package -- thanks to the work of Retail Retell and others on Discord, we were able to conclude that this was known as the Mercer package! It's not 100% confirmed since the name was found on a list with no context, but all other known Kroger packages from the right era (00s) have known official names, and the first store to receive this decor package is this one, which QFC sometimes calls the Mercer store as it is on Mercer Street. Connected to that, another interesting detail is that this decor package is several years older than I thought when I originally talked about it a few years back, being designed in 2006 (by DFab, which is still Kroger's primary decor designer), which is interesting because it means that it is actually older than Bountiful (which I believe was first used circa 2007-08), and probably also older than Fresh Fare 2.0. 

This picture is a nice look down the front end of the store, featuring the floral department (the only piece of Mercer decor that I know ever made it beyond the three initial stores is the "Custom Floral Arrangements" sign seen here) and the produce department. Notice anything weird about the front end here?


  1. As is usually the case with any Kroger decor package that looks nice, it's usually something that is very rare! I have not seen this before and it does look pretty nice. It look to me like Kroger might have gotten some inspiration for this decor and layout from similar Safeway stores, but maybe not. I guess we'll have to see as we see more of the store.

    As hard as I am on many of Kroger's decor packages, I do generally like Bountiful when it's not combined with terrible floors as it often is. I didn't realize Bountiful was that old!

    1. Honestly, I've never been a huge fan of Mercer compared to either of the competing decor packages (especially Fresh Fare 2.0, which may well be my all-time favorite Kroger decor!), but this store does show it at its best.

      Yeah, Bountiful certainly had a surprisingly slow rollout! It took a few years to get from Ralph's, where it originated, to QFC, and then even longer to get to Kroger proper in other parts of the country. That's why it's been referred to as "2012", despite existing for many years before then!


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