Joe T

Over in the right-hand elevator, the now-empty poster frame revealed this thing that was used as a backer of some point. I have no idea where this could have come from, and the thing itself is too cut down to provide any good clues. I'm guessing it's a portion of some sort of old advertizing poster, but whether it has any connection to the Bon Marche or not, I have no idea. If you know anything about this, I'd love to hear it -- I posted it on Discord a while back with no response.


  1. Huh, that's odd. I suppose it could have been some kind of ad, but it would have been a strange ad.

    I suppose the Bon Marche used to prominently feature their ladies restrooms in their advertising back in the day! I suppose those Flickr retail photographers who take detailed restroom photos were on to something, lol. Link:

    Oh, unrelated, but check out this Sea-Tac Mall commercial from almost exactly 40 years ago! Link:

    1. Yeah, like I said, I have no idea, so I'm just guessing...

      Perhaps I'm missing a joke, but from that picture, it's clear that they weren't using "rest rooms" in the modern sense! It's pretty neat to see pictures from the Bon Marche that preceded this one (which I believe was where the downtown Target is now).

      Cool to see that video! I visited that mall not too long ago (it's now called the Federal Way Commons) -- it's a lot more bland (and more dead) now than back then, but it still looks fairly similar.

    2. Huh, now that you mention it, I do wonder if they mean 'rest room' to mean what we think of it being today. That said, it wouldn't surprise me if they did have fancy bathrooms given the fanciness of the store itself. But, yeah, I'm not quite sure what is going on there.

      It looks like the Macy's did recently close at the old Sea-Tac Mall/Federal Way Commons so I guess it does have something in common with this BonMacy's.

  2. I have no clue about this sign's origins, but I am certainly intrigued by it.


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