Floral and the front entrance

Heading back up towards the front, here's a view of the floral cooler, with the vacant restaurant space (which I thought was a Subway, but looking back it might have actually been a McDonald's) in the background. In between them is the back of one of the entryway directory signs, encouraging shoppers to use the app to look for where things are (seemingly going against the principle of the new Airport decor making it easier to find things...) -- I'm certainly not one to use an app or website to look up where within a store things are, except in stores that are super confusing like Lowe's or Home Depot, but perhaps if more people have their phones out while shopping, fewer people will find it weird that I do when taking pictures!


  1. Can't argue with that logic, lol! At least the front side of the sign does have a directory on it.

    1. Yep -- I'm not convinced it's the most useful directory, but it's still a nice touch.


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