We support American cows and pigs

The -- rather odd -- centerpiece of the meat department is this "we support American farmers" sign. Honestly, this is kind of a low spot in the decor for me -- I'm not a fan of the faux-corrigated texture on the wall panels. Also, seriously, they couldn't have shifted the lettering just a little bit so that there wasn't something like 1/3 of one letter on the angled wall??


  1. Aw, dang, this is my favorite part :P I love the effect of the ghosted letters on the big background, with the smaller case-mounted 3D ones in front. Plus, the callback to Wal-Mart of days past with the American tagline is pretty neat. I suppose the corrugation doesn't exactly have to be there, but I like that it adds texture... not sure how good this would look if it were flat instead. Totally with you on that "S" awkwardly rounding the corner, though!

    1. Hmm, I guess it's just not my style. And I didn't realize this was a callback to older Walmart stuff! I'm not particularly familiar with Walmart stuff earlier than the past few years.

    2. I mean, I'm assuming that's what it is... they used to be a lot more patriotic in their décor packages. Here are a couple examples showing "Made in the USA," "Bring it Home to the USA," "Rollback America," the US Flag, and whatnot:

      And it looks like this carried over to other countries at that time, too, based on this pic from Canada: https://cdn.corporate.walmart.com/dims4/WMT/6bbd0c1/2147483647/strip/true/crop/3261x2172+0+0/resize/700x466!/quality/90/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fcdn.corporate.walmart.com%2F54%2F47%2Fb87747724cfea835ed82ea108db3%2Fcanada-d2-28.jpg

      These days you'll see some other signage promoting American jobs (https://scontent-atl3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.18172-8/19222876_1421736517864385_5534025997674903137_o.jpg?_nc_cat=103&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=9267fe&_nc_ohc=qQRK51652GQAX98AR5d&_nc_ht=scontent-atl3-1.xx&oh=ed12eadb54d14a5f1b6a48f6d0d8d810&oe=6151DD1C), but this is the first major décor implementation of that support that I can think of in recent memory.

    3. Interesting! That must have been before my time, or perhaps just not emphasized as heavily in the northwest.

    4. Yeah, I think for the most part this was before my time, too; yet I'm familiar with it somehow. Maybe I've just seen a bunch of pictures of it? Not sure...


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