Bon Elevator Panel

Also in the main garage lobby is this panel that displays the elevator status. I'm pretty sure I only took this picture because it says "The Bon Marche" in the top row of text, but this thing is super cool even without that. I've never seen one of these posted in a publicly-viewable place like this (the only other place I've seen one out in the open at all is at my office building, and it's behind an always-staffed security desk, so I can't get close enough to read it like you can here). If I'm understanding correctly, the left column displays all of the active hall calls (floor and direction), and the three columns to the right show the location, direction, and possibly status (I'm guessing the open side of the box around "L" on the #1 means the door are open) of each of the three elevators, plus which elevator has been assigned to the hall calls, plus probably which floors have been requested on each elevator (I'm betting that's what the red G on #2 means). I'm not even an elevator geek the way some people are (though I do love escalators, as I've said before)... this sort of thing is just fascinating to me for some reason!


  1. That is pretty neat. I wonder if this is old enough to have been there when it was a Bon Marche or if it's newer and it somehow got the older name?

    I suppose it could be old enough to be from the Bon Mache. The screen looks kind of like an old DOS puzzle game! It also reminds me of this old DOS game that I remember:

    1. Hard to say. The software certainly looks quite old-fashioned, but specialized software (at least in my line of work) does tend to look much older than it actually is! The hardware doesn't look as old as the software, though (in particular, it's not a CRT display).


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