Chandelier: gone. Price check: gone.


 This corner of the store also lost some long-time fixtures that I've mentioned a few times throughout the closing, specifically the price-check station (or at least its casework -- the electronics were long gone) and the fancy chandelier. Now there's just a dead-end actionway and a bunch of blank walls. 

As I'm sure some of you have heard about the crazy heat wave we're having in the northwest right now. It's likely to get to 100 2-3 days over this weekend, but Seattle has only gotten to 100 three times in the history of weather records. So I ended up making the last-minute decision today to bail on Seattle and head home to Port Angeles, where it's "only" going to be 90 over the weekend. Yay. But at least it should be a little more pleasant here than it would have been in my condo, which is in direct sunlight and tends to get at least as hot inside as outside when the weather is like this. (I almost made this a separate post titled "NWRetail whines about the weather", but I decided I didn't feel like it.)


  1. The weather might be hotter over where you are than it is here! After Saturday, we may not even get above 90 F for several days due to some expected stormy/cloudy weather. Things usually start to dry out here in July and August so it should be super hot during those months. Of course, one thing Houston isn't lacking is air conditioning so it shouldn't be a problem if one is indoors.

  2. Yeah, like Anonymous our forecast shows us in the upper 80s/low 90s for the next several days, with several nonstop days of rain also beginning on Wednesday. Hopefully you and everyone else is managing the heat well, and staying cool!

    1. Yikes, it's never good when Seattle is hotter than Texas or Mississippi! Of course, we're all heat wimps around here, so even around 90 is too hot for me. 🙂 It got to 100 there today, and is expected to be even hotter tomorrow and Monday.

      Thankfully, my parents' house has a finished basement, and it's been reasonably pleasant there so far, though it sounds like the worst is still to come.

    2. You can add that Seattle is going to be hotter than Florida too - we have a bank of dry air moving in that's going to knock us into the mid-80's for a refreshing change for a few days (yes, that's considered refreshingly cool here!). I think Florida and Seattle must have traded weather by mistake!

    3. Yikes -- that's bad too! I think we borrowed some of your humidity also. It's still crazy to think of the 80s as being a reasonable temperature, though!


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