Welcome to Artisan

Stepping inside, we finally get a glance of the Artisan decor itself! And we're not off to a great start -- I'm never a fan of script fonts like this, and the orange/brown wall color is... not great. (I'm also never a fan of the Kroji ad campaign, but that's a different issue.) They did leave some relics, though -- the welcome and safety first posters hiding behind the random stuff.


  1. I remember when Albertsons used to put those safety "Buckle Up" posters in a very prominent spot at the entrance of the store back when they were in Houston. I always found those posters to be mildly off-putting, but I suppose these stores have to put them up for liability purposes. The infant used in those Albertsons posters must be in their 30s now! That thought is even more off-putting, lol.

    Speaking of liability, I wonder whose idea it was to put the fire extinguisher arrow a solid foot or two away from the fire extinguisher. If someone follows that arrow during a fire, all they're going to get to help them is a Kroji, lol.

    I'm also not a fan of the Krojis. Well, I suppose they're fine in print form like this, but I don't like their TV/radio ad campaign featuring the Krojis. I'm still trying to understand what 'fresher than fresh' means, lol.

    1. Interesting -- I've only ever seen signs like that in Fred Meyer! I don't remember ever seeing them in the Albertsons I visited growing up.

      I was going to say something in the description about the Kroji sign blocking the fire extinguisher, but now I see that it is visible, just in the wrong place! I'm surprised they were able to pass building inspections like that... but building inspections are probably a bit more lax than they used to be due to COVID (that's a scary thought...).

      I've pretty much only ever seen the Kroji in print ads like this -- I don't watch TV or listen to the radio, so I only would see TV ads if I'm somewhere that it happens to be on. So I don't really have an opinion on those forms, but the whole Kroji concept is just not my sort of thing.

    2. You're not missing anything by not seeing those Kroger Kroji TV/radio commercials. Well, you are missing something, but what you're missing isn't what you want to see, lol. At least I don't think so. I don't watch much TV, but it's hard to avoid Kroger commercials around here as you can well imagine.

      I'm not sure how that fire extinguisher situation passed inspection! It's a very odd situation. Hopefully they don't run into any problems because they did things that way.

      As for the Albertsons 'Buckle Up' signs, I just clicked on a bunch of random AFB Albertsons posts to see if I could find one and...yes!...AFB has come through once again! Here's a photo of the sign. You would remember if you saw these signs, lol. https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-1f9EzO-TN9o/WaW-ChWBqtI/AAAAAAAAFsE/mCu1CAF8fTky9Onws1UX7Cm43t2xBom_QCLcBGAs/s1600/Photo%2B13.jpg

  2. Funny enough, the font and color in the vestibule like this are actually some of my favorite Artisan elements. I'm not a big fan of the package overall.


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