Apples and diamonds

The remodel retained the strange design of the produce department where it extends through the front actionway, adjacent to the self checkouts. There's something amusing about having some of the cheapest items in the store (apples and such) right next to some of the most expensive (jewelry)!


  1. I don't go to Kroger Marketplace stores very often as they are mostly at the edge of town around here, but there is one I go to occasionally since it's located near where some family members live. I was there last week and noticed something rather odd. I noticed that even though the store is a lot bigger than the Krogers I usually shop at, the produce department (which isn't designed all that differently from this Fred Meyer one...aside from the large section of produce on the register side and aside from the decor package, of course!) isn't much larger than the produce department at an ordinary Kroger. It can be rather disappointing to walk into such a large store and then see the produce department first and then realize it does not have any more variety than any other Kroger!

    Even more disappointing is that this Kroger Marketplace did not have a produce item in stock that was advertised. This has happened multiple times to me at this Kroger and other family members report similar product outages at this particular Kroger. Ugh. Probably the next closest Kroger to me in this area is a much older Greenhouse Kroger and they usually have what is the produce department at least. Some other departments are always iffy at Kroger and even more so in recent times.

    On a completely unrelated note, I was driving (near a Kroger actually, but it's hard to drive in Houston and not be near a Kroger, lol) around my area a couple of days ago when I saw a 1990s Subaru station wagon in my rear-view mirror. I thought it was really bizarre to see one of those. Even new Subarus aren't all that plentiful on the roads around here, but older ones are truly rare these days. The Subaru passed me and, yes, it had Washington plates! Somehow, I wasn't all that surprised, lol.

    1. Huh, that's weird! Fred Meyers tend to have a very nice produce department. Then again, so do QFCs, but they vary wildly in size between stores (not surprising, because their stores are quite varied too!).

      Ha, I guess Washington is living up to its stereotype! It's not too rare to see late-90s Outbacks and Foresters around here still, but anything earlier than that isn't common even around here anymore.


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