Seafood and knick-knacks


It's pretty odd to see such a prominent kitchenware department at a store of this size -- or, at least, that's what I think this is, though it seems to have been in use solely for random seasonal decor stuff at this point, so perhaps it was supposed to be the seasonal department. Anyway, off in the background, you can see the meat service counter (and you can see how half of it was replaced with upright self-service cases), strangely under the Seafood sign.


  1. Not sure I like the suspender bars as much when they don't go all the way up to the ceiling. In Southaven they didn't install the bars at all, so I kinda assumed that might be the m.o. for all stores with high ceilings. Guess not, though.

    1. Yeah, I'm not a huge fan either. To be fair to QFC, they probably only have a single-digit number of stores with high ceilings, and this is the first (and so far only) one to get remodeled to Urban Mix, so it's not entirely surprising they don't know what to do with this. (In Kirkland, it looks a little better, but the ceiling is a little lower and has a bunch of mechanical equipment to hide the top of the sign bars. Meanwhile, in the original Main & Vine decor, the bars actually held up the signs, as far as I can tell.)

    2. True -- fair point about all the low ceiling stores! I also it looked better with the stuff hiding it in Kirkland. Main & Vine's version is so cool!


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