McMacy's (Macy's Downtown Seattle, January 25th, 2020)

I swear it's absolutely coincidental that I'm starting this photo set a year to the day after the photos were taken -- I couldn't have planned that if I tried! This specific visit was also just a few days after the major shooting that took place last January, which is why McDonald's has boarded-up windows and there are a bunch of police/security people around. Notably, the security presence never let up as far as I know, as just a few months later is when COVID lockdowns hit and downtown became deserted except for some of the more problematic people, and then just a few months after that is when the days of riots happened... so yeah, 2020 was not a good year for this area. I'm not sure if the boards on the windows ever went away either, as it wasn't long before the whole McDonald's, along with most of the other buildings downtown, was completely boarded up for months on end.
