EXTREME close up

And because I just couldn't bear to cut out any of the pictures I took of this sign, here's a very close look at the first two letters! While it's obviously horizontally arranged instead of vertical, Target did stagger the heights of the letters to somewhat mimic the staggered arrangement of the original sign. 


This is the final picture of this piece, I swear! It's a good thing, too, since I'm all out of things to say. Retail Retell, you don't have to feel bad about your descriptions getting shorter... I'm hardly ever able to find more than a couple sentences worth of stuff to say about my pictures any longer 🙂


  1. Ha, thanks! I'm usually able to find stuff to ramble on about (somehow!), it's just time constraints for me right now are impeding my ability to do that. However, I'm sure people reading my descriptions are glad they're not as long XD

    1. Ha, I wouldn't say that -- I always enjoy reading what you have to say! I just don't have it in me to write all that much anymore.


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