Wow, Macy's mattresses have really gone downmarket

 The display-model mattresses were all gone by this point, which isn't surprising... but what is rather weird is that someone seems to have dragged a bunch of grungy old mattresses out of storage to sell in their place. Some of these (like the purple floral one) look like something that hasn't been sold in decades, while others (like the ones in the middle of both stacks) didn't seem all that old but were visibly dirty. Seriously, I know this store is closing, but doesn't Macy's still have some sort of reputation to hold up here? Even Goodwill wouldn't sell mattresses this worn out! 


Also of note over here is a veritable forest of ladders, more than it seems like one store could ever use, and a bunch of other random stuff that I can't even tell what it is.


  1. They were just inviting someone to climb one of the ladders and then jump onto one of the mattresses, lol.

    But, yeah, selling old mattresses like that does seem quite odd.

    1. Ha, that would be fun! Not sure how much I'd trust these ancient mattresses to cushion the impact, though... 😉


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