Welcome to the Ballard PCC!

This store has to be about the newest grocery store in Seattle, having opened in late 2019 -- and these pictures, taken at the end of 2019, are some of my last pre-COVID pictures (that aren't of the closing Downtown Macy's!). This picture is a view from the Ballard Bridge again (like this one of the Ballard Fred Meyer), with the PCC on the left, the Trader Joes (which I don't have pictures of because I find Trader Joes boring!) right behind it, and the New Seasons (which will likely be the set after this one) barely visible off to the right (the blurry green sign to the right of the West Marine building). The PCC, West Marine, Trader Joes, and the weird white building behind West Marine are all part of the "Ballard Blocks" development (which is presumably a really bad pun on the Ballard Locks west of here).
