Wait, Urban Mix?

The rest of the health and beauty section is a little less mysterious, but no less strange! For some reason, Fred Meyer decided to use the Urban Mix decor for this department, with the wall decor and hanging honeycomb strictures directly taken from that. (As far as I know, this is the only example so far of a crossover between QFC and Fred Meyer decor -- Kroger has been very careful for the most part to keep the two chains aesthetically different.) But, of course, it's still not that clear cut. All of the decor on the shelves (trim and category markers) was left as is from the Greenwood decor, which is a nice surprise (this is one of my favorite parts of that experimental package). Even stranger, though, is the aisle marker style -- they're flat and blue! Someone decided to make the Marketplace-style aisle markers match the color of the Urban Mix wall decor, while also choosing the flat model of aisle markers instead of the standard tri-siders. At first I thought that Artisan might use the same health and beauty decor as Urban Mix (they both have roots in Main & Vine, after all), but no, Artisan health and beauty should look like this (as seen on the Mid South Retail Blog). There's so much going on in this store that I'm never going to understand, but at least it still has something unique even with its completely unique previous decor gone.


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