Sure Kroger, 7's the lowest number

The service departments here saw very little change aside from the decor swap -- in fact, they even still have the original backsplash tile (and as much as I like the red glass tile from the original decor, it really doesn't go with the blue Marketplace meat and seafood color!). Here's a pretty similar view from before the remodel (and I guess the red tile didn't go all that well with the original blue and green wall decor either...), which also shows that what's now aisle 7 used to be the unsigned aisle 1. Retail Retell, you're clearly on to something with Kroger's aisle number inflation madness! (I also need to pay closer attention to this -- this is one of two recent remodels in which the lowest numbered aisle is aisle 7. I'm wondering if that's a coincidence or some sort of weird trend, but I don't have enough data to tell that at this point. Also of note, the plans appear to show this as aisle 2, which would be much more reasonable -- they didn't show an aisle 1, but you could consider that to be the unsigned front half of this aisle.)


  1. Yikes! Maybe they think the 7 looks close enough to a 1 XD

    1. Ha! That might just be the most reasonable explanation I've heard for all of this 😉


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