Stepping inside

As you can already see, absolutely nothing remains of the Tradewell interior in this store, not even the arched ceiling. So it's not all that interesting, but it does at least have the deluxe circle decor (or Wellbeing -- not Wellness, that's the earlier green decor) package, which is my all-time favorite Rite Aid (and drugstore in general) decor. 

Notably, I just (as in this morning) learned that Rite Aid has a new decor package! I don't know much about it, but at least one store in my area is going to get remodeled soon. In some ways, it's not surprising, since they recently got a new logo (which I very much don't like...), but in some ways it is, since Rite Aid seems to be having more financial issues and is closing bunches of stores. Does anyone else know anything more about the new decor? I just have a single plan sheet with very minimal detail to go off of.


  1. You might want to talk to PlazaACME, he's mentioned the upcoming new décor as well. But I don't know if he knows anything besides that fact, either.


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